Abrufen der übergeordneten Hauptkategorien für ein Produkt
3 Antworten
- Stimmen
- 2012-07-06
Ich habemeine eigene Funktiongeschrieben,um die "Kette" hinaufzugehen.Mein Rekursivistmöglicherweisenicht diebeste Implementierung,die Siegesehen haben,aberesfunktioniert.
function get_parent_terms($term) { if ($term->parent > 0) { $term = get_term_by("id", $term->parent, "product_cat"); if ($term->parent > 0) { get_parent_terms($term); } else return $term; } else return $term; } # Will return all categories of a product, including parent categories function all_cat_classes($post) { $cats = ""; $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, "product_cat"); $key = 0; // foreach product_cat get main top product_cat foreach ($terms as $cat) { $cat = get_parent_terms($cat); $cats .= (strpos($cats, $cat->slug) === false ? $cat->slug." " : ""); $key++; } return $cats; }
I wrote my own function to go all the way up the "chain". My recursive might not be the best implementation you've seen, but it works.
function get_parent_terms($term) { if ($term->parent > 0) { $term = get_term_by("id", $term->parent, "product_cat"); if ($term->parent > 0) { get_parent_terms($term); } else return $term; } else return $term; } # Will return all categories of a product, including parent categories function all_cat_classes($post) { $cats = ""; $terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, "product_cat"); $key = 0; // foreach product_cat get main top product_cat foreach ($terms as $cat) { $cat = get_parent_terms($cat); $cats .= (strpos($cats, $cat->slug) === false ? $cat->slug." " : ""); $key++; } return $cats; }
- 2013-09-11
nur umeine alternative Lösung anzubieten,diejemandem helfen könnte:
function wc_origin_trail_ancestor( $link = false, $trail = false ) { if (is_product_category()) { global $wp_query; $q_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $cat_id = $q_obj->term_id; $descendant = get_term_by("id", $cat_id, "product_cat"); $descendant_id = $descendant->term_id; $ancestors = get_ancestors($cat_id, 'product_cat'); $ancestors = array_reverse($ancestors); $origin_ancestor = get_term_by("id", $ancestors[0], "product_cat"); $origin_ancestor_id = $origin_ancestor->term_id; $ac = count($ancestors); } else if ( is_product() ) { $descendant = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); $descendant = array_reverse($descendant); $descendant = $descendant[0]; $descendant_id = $descendant->term_id; $ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($descendant_id, 'product_cat')); $ac = count($ancestors); } $c = 1; if( $trail == false ){ $origin_ancestor_term = get_term_by("id", $ancestors[0], "product_cat"); $origin_ancestor_link = get_term_link( $origin_ancestor_term->slug, $origin_ancestor_term->taxonomy ); if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $origin_ancestor_link .'">'; echo $origin_ancestor_term->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; }else{ foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) { $ancestor_term = get_term_by("id", $ancestor, "product_cat"); $ancestor_link = get_term_link( $ancestor_term->slug, $ancestor_term->taxonomy ); if($c++ == 1) echo '» '; else if($c++ != 1 || $c++ != $ac) echo ' » '; if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $ancestor_link .'">'; echo $ancestor_term->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; } $descendant_term = get_term_by("id", $descendant_id, "product_cat"); $descendant_link = get_term_link( $descendant_term->slug, $descendant_term->taxonomy ); echo ' » '; if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $descendant_link .'">'; echo $descendant->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; } }
benutzt- nur oberste Ebene,Herkunftsvorfahr; ohne Link
- nur oberste Ebene,Herkunftsvorfahr;mit Link
- Ahnenpfad; ohne Link
- Ahnenpfad;mit Link
- funktioniertnicht,wennein Produktmehrere Haupt-/Toplevel-Kategorien hat oder zumindestnicht alle anzeigt;
- Gleiches solltefürmehrere Unterkategorien auf derselben Ebene der Fall sein;
- Ich habe keine weiteren Tests zu den obengenannten Punkten durchgeführt,da die Funktion allestut,wasichfür dieses Projekt wollte;
just to offer a alternative solution that might help somebody:
function wc_origin_trail_ancestor( $link = false, $trail = false ) { if (is_product_category()) { global $wp_query; $q_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object(); $cat_id = $q_obj->term_id; $descendant = get_term_by("id", $cat_id, "product_cat"); $descendant_id = $descendant->term_id; $ancestors = get_ancestors($cat_id, 'product_cat'); $ancestors = array_reverse($ancestors); $origin_ancestor = get_term_by("id", $ancestors[0], "product_cat"); $origin_ancestor_id = $origin_ancestor->term_id; $ac = count($ancestors); } else if ( is_product() ) { $descendant = get_the_terms( $post->ID, 'product_cat' ); $descendant = array_reverse($descendant); $descendant = $descendant[0]; $descendant_id = $descendant->term_id; $ancestors = array_reverse(get_ancestors($descendant_id, 'product_cat')); $ac = count($ancestors); } $c = 1; if( $trail == false ){ $origin_ancestor_term = get_term_by("id", $ancestors[0], "product_cat"); $origin_ancestor_link = get_term_link( $origin_ancestor_term->slug, $origin_ancestor_term->taxonomy ); if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $origin_ancestor_link .'">'; echo $origin_ancestor_term->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; }else{ foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) { $ancestor_term = get_term_by("id", $ancestor, "product_cat"); $ancestor_link = get_term_link( $ancestor_term->slug, $ancestor_term->taxonomy ); if($c++ == 1) echo '» '; else if($c++ != 1 || $c++ != $ac) echo ' » '; if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $ancestor_link .'">'; echo $ancestor_term->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; } $descendant_term = get_term_by("id", $descendant_id, "product_cat"); $descendant_link = get_term_link( $descendant_term->slug, $descendant_term->taxonomy ); echo ' » '; if($link == true) echo '<a href="'. $descendant_link .'">'; echo $descendant->name; if($link == true) echo '</a>'; } }
how to use
- just toplevel, origin ancestor; without link
- just toplevel, origin ancestor; with link
- ancestor trail; without link
- ancestor trail; with link
- won't work if a product has multiple main-/toplevel-categories, or at least won't show them all;
- same should be the case for multiple subcategories on the same level;
- I did no further tests concerning above points, because the function does all I wanted for that project;
- 2012-06-28
Sie können Folgendes versuchen:
<?php $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); $parents = get_the_terms($term->parent, get_query_var('taxonomy') ); foreach( $parents as $parent ) { echo $parent->name; } ?>
You can try this:
<?php $term = get_term_by( 'slug', get_query_var( 'term' ), get_query_var( 'taxonomy' ) ); $parents = get_the_terms($term->parent, get_query_var('taxonomy') ); foreach( $parents as $parent ) { echo $parent->name; } ?>
Wie würden Siemit mehr als zwei Kategorienebenen umgehen?How would you handle more than two levels of categories?
- 0
- 2012-06-28
- Anriëtte Myburgh
Kannmirbitte jemand helfen? Ich suchenacheiner Möglichkeit,die Hauptkategorie der übergeordneten Produkteeines WooCommerce-Produkts zufinden.Angenommen,das Produktist unter "Gadgets"markiert,aber das übergeordnete Produkt von allenist "Elektronik".
Ichmöchte diespro Beitrag,daichjedem Beitrageine Klasse hinzufügenmöchte,die den übergeordneten Hauptcode
angibt.Bitte denken Sie daran,dass Produktkategorienbenutzerdefinierte Taxonomien sind undnichtmit
abgerufen werden können.Sie werden als Begriffe aufgeführt.Vielen Dankim Voraus.
Diesist der Code,denichbereits habe. Ich rufeihnbei jedem Beitrag auf undmeine Beiträge werden ähnlicheiner Archivseitegerendert.