Gibt es Beispiele für das Hinzufügen benutzerdefinierter Felder zum Kategorie-Editor?
1 Antworten
- Stimmen
- 2011-01-08
Nein. Siemüssen
verwenden,da Sie keineneuen Felderin der Tabelle wp_term_taxonomyerstellen können (wenn Sie diestun,verlieren Sie diesebeim nächsten WP-Update).Also:
// the option name define('MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS', 'my_category_fields_option'); // your fields (the form) add_filter('edit_category_form', 'my_category_fields'); function my_category_fields($tag) { $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4-categoryTitle">Full Category Title</label></th> <td><input name="_ce4-categoryTitle" id="_ce4-categoryTitle" type="text" size="40" aria-required="false" value="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_title']; ?>" /> <p class="description">The title is optional but will be used in place of the name on the home page category index.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4_fullDescription">Full Category Text for Landing Page</label></th> <td><textarea style="height:70px; width:100%;margin-left:-5px;" name="_ce4_fullDescription" id="_ce4_fullDescription"><?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_description']; ?></textarea> <p class="description">This text will appear on the category landing page when viewing all articles in a category. The image, you supply above, if any, will be used here and this content will wrap around it.</p></td> </tr> </table> <?php } // when the form gets submitted, and the category gets updated (in your case the option will get updated with the values of your custom fields above add_filter('edited_terms', 'update_my_category_fields'); function update_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4-categoryTitle']); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_description'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4_fullDescription']); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; } // when a category is removed add_filter('deleted_term_taxonomy', 'remove_my_category_fields'); function remove_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); unset($tag_extra_fields[$term_id]); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; }
Für die letztenbeidengibt esmöglicherweiseeinige kategorienbezogene Hooks,dieichnichtgesucht habe. Ich habegerade den obigen Code auseinem alten Thema vonmir angepasst,in dem der Administratorein Bild aneinen benutzerdefinierten Taxonomie-Begriff anhängen kann ...
No. You have to use
, because you can't create new fields in the wp_term_taxonomy table (If you do, in the next WP update you'll loose them).So:
// the option name define('MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS', 'my_category_fields_option'); // your fields (the form) add_filter('edit_category_form', 'my_category_fields'); function my_category_fields($tag) { $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4-categoryTitle">Full Category Title</label></th> <td><input name="_ce4-categoryTitle" id="_ce4-categoryTitle" type="text" size="40" aria-required="false" value="<?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_title']; ?>" /> <p class="description">The title is optional but will be used in place of the name on the home page category index.</p></td> </tr> <tr class="form-field"> <th scope="row" valign="top"><label for="_ce4_fullDescription">Full Category Text for Landing Page</label></th> <td><textarea style="height:70px; width:100%;margin-left:-5px;" name="_ce4_fullDescription" id="_ce4_fullDescription"><?php echo $tag_extra_fields[$tag->term_id]['my_description']; ?></textarea> <p class="description">This text will appear on the category landing page when viewing all articles in a category. The image, you supply above, if any, will be used here and this content will wrap around it.</p></td> </tr> </table> <?php } // when the form gets submitted, and the category gets updated (in your case the option will get updated with the values of your custom fields above add_filter('edited_terms', 'update_my_category_fields'); function update_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4-categoryTitle']); $tag_extra_fields[$term_id]['my_description'] = strip_tags($_POST['_ce4_fullDescription']); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; } // when a category is removed add_filter('deleted_term_taxonomy', 'remove_my_category_fields'); function remove_my_category_fields($term_id) { if($_POST['taxonomy'] == 'category'): $tag_extra_fields = get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS); unset($tag_extra_fields[$term_id]); update_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS, $tag_extra_fields); endif; }
There might be some category-related hooks for the last two, I didn't search for them. I just adapted the code above from a old theme of mine in which the admin can attach a image to a custom taxonomy term...
@AA: Danke,dasfunktioniert super!Wie würden Sie den Wertfür den Titel abrufen,wenn Sie die Kategoriearchivseite anzeigen?@AA: Thanks, this works great! How would you retrieve the value for the title when you are viewing the category archive page?
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- 2011-01-11
- Scott B
using `get_option (MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS)`using `get_option(MY_CATEGORY_FIELDS)`
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- 2011-01-11
- onetrickpony
Ich habe diesen Code verwendet underfunktioniert hervorragend.Ich habefestgestellt,dass das Feld,dasich hinzufügenmöchte,unter der Schaltfläche Kategorie hinzufügenplatziert wird.Kennen Sieeine Möglichkeit,dieneuen Felder über der Schaltfläche anzuzeigen?Ich habe versucht,die Tabelle aus dem Code zuentfernen und habenurtr undtd verlassen,aber das hatnichtfunktioniertI used this code and it works great. I found that the field I want to add gets put below the add category button. Do you know a way to get the new fields to show above the button? I tried removing the table from the code and just left the tr and td but that didn't work
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- 2012-09-25
- Jamie
Ja,anscheinend hat WPjetztneue Aktionen,die Sie verwenden können.Hauptsächlich `edit_category_form_fields` anstelle von`edit_category_form`.Siehe [edit_tags.php] (, apparently WP has new actions now which you can use. Mainly `edit_category_form_fields` instead of `edit_category_form`. See [edit_tags.php](
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- 2012-09-25
- onetrickpony
Verwenden Sie add_action (
. "_ Add_form_fields",my_action),um den Kategorie-Formulareditor zuerweitern.d.h. add_action ("store_add_form_fields",Array ($this,'add_form_fields))in einem Objektkontextfür Ihrebenutzerdefinierten Aktions-Hooksfüreinen Taxonomietyp von' store '.Version 3.X + von WordPressbevorzugt das -Formatfür Action-Hooks,den älteren Stil von "edit_category_form_fields" und andere werdenim Code als "Legacy-Unterstützung"markiert,wasbedeutet,dass siemöglicherweise verschwinden.Ref: Use add_action(."_add_form_fields",my_action) to extend the category form editor. i.e. add_action("store_add_form_fields",array($this,'add_form_fields)) in an object context for your custom action hooks for a taxonomy type of 'store'. Version 3.X+ of WordPress prefers the format for action hooks, the older style of "edit_category_form_fields" and others are marked as "legacy support" in the code, which means they may/will eventually go away. ref: - 0
- 2012-10-03
- Lance Cleveland
Ich denke,ichbin ziemlichnah dran,diese Nuss zu knacken :)
Ich versuche,dem Kategorie-Editoreine Reihe vonbenutzerdefinierten Feldern hinzuzufügen. Daichmichnichtmit Post-Metabeschäftige,schreibeichmeine benutzerdefinierten Feldwertefür Kategorieneherin die Tabelle wp_term_taxonomy alsin die Tabelle wp_options. Ist das richtig?
Wennes Beispiele dafürgibt,teilen Siebitte einen Link oderein Stück Codemit. Ichbin nicht sicher,wieichmeine benutzerdefinierten Kategoriefeldererfassen und speichern soll.
Hieristmein Code ...